Very large data bases 2002 : proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Hong Kong SAR, China, 20-23 August 2002 /
Application of accelerated corrosion tests to service life prediction of materials /
Degradation of metals in the atmosphere : a symposium Philadelphia, PA, 12-13 May 1986 /
Elastic-plastic fracture : second symposium: Philadelphia, Pa., 6-9 Oct. 1981 /
Development of Bangladesh with equity and justice : immediate tasks for the new government /
Environmental toxicology and risk assessment /
It's revival we need! : address delivered at the Conference on Evangelism at Kansas City, Missouri, January 12, 1966 /
Law, institutions, and the global environment; papers and analysis of the proceedings.
The mind as healer : the new heresy /
Mine planning and equipment selection 1994 : proceedings of the third International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-20 October 1994 /
Mycoplasma and mycoplasma-like agents of human, animal, and plant diseases : [result of a Conference Entitled Mycoplasma and Mycoplasma-Like Agents of Human, Animal, and Plant Diseases, held by the New York Academy of Sciences on January 8, 9, and 10, 1973] /
Myth and symbol: critical approaches and applications,
The Negro American family;
NMR methods for elucidating macromolecule-ligand interactions : an approach to drug design : proceedings of the Fourth Biochemical Pharmacology Symposium, New Haven, CT, 27-29 July 1989 /
The nucleohistones.
Nutrition and infection.
Only one earth : the care and maintenance of a small planet /
Only one earth; the care and maintenance of a small planet,
Organizational development : integrating people, systems and technology : papers presented at the 1984 ASTD National Conference / Charlotte A. Siegfried, Melinda L. Branchini, eds.
Human sexuality and the mentally retarded.